/* * win32_apply.c - Windows-specific code for applying files from a WIM image. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Eric Biggers * * This file is part of wimlib, a library for working with WIM files. * * wimlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * wimlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with wimlib; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #ifdef __WIN32__ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "wimlib/win32_common.h" #include "wimlib/apply.h" #include "wimlib/capture.h" /* for mangle_pat() and match_pattern_list() */ #include "wimlib/dentry.h" #include "wimlib/error.h" #include "wimlib/lookup_table.h" #include "wimlib/resource.h" #include "wimlib/textfile.h" #include "wimlib/xml.h" #include "wimlib/wim.h" #include "wimlib/wimboot.h" struct win32_apply_private_data { u64 data_source_id; struct string_set *prepopulate_pats; void *mem_prepopulate_pats; u8 wim_lookup_table_hash[SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; bool wof_running; }; static struct win32_apply_private_data * get_private_data(struct apply_ctx *ctx) { BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ctx->private) < sizeof(struct win32_apply_private_data)); return (struct win32_apply_private_data *)(ctx->private); } static void free_prepopulate_pats(struct win32_apply_private_data *dat) { if (dat->prepopulate_pats) { FREE(dat->prepopulate_pats->strings); FREE(dat->prepopulate_pats); dat->prepopulate_pats = NULL; } if (dat->mem_prepopulate_pats) { FREE(dat->mem_prepopulate_pats); dat->mem_prepopulate_pats = NULL; } } static int load_prepopulate_pats(struct apply_ctx *ctx) { int ret; struct wim_dentry *dentry; struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte; struct string_set *s; const tchar *path = WIMLIB_WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING T("Windows") WIMLIB_WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING T("System32") WIMLIB_WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING T("WimBootCompress.ini"); void *buf; void *mem; struct text_file_section sec; struct win32_apply_private_data *dat = get_private_data(ctx); dentry = get_dentry(ctx->wim, path, WIMLIB_CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (!dentry || (dentry->d_inode->i_attributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED)) || !(lte = inode_unnamed_lte(dentry->d_inode, ctx->wim->lookup_table))) { WARNING("%"TS" does not exist in WIM image!", path); return WIMLIB_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } ret = read_full_stream_into_alloc_buf(lte, &buf); if (ret) return ret; s = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct string_set)); if (!s) { FREE(buf); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } sec.name = T("PrepopulateList"); sec.strings = s; ret = do_load_text_file(path, buf, lte->size, &mem, &sec, 1, LOAD_TEXT_FILE_REMOVE_QUOTES | LOAD_TEXT_FILE_NO_WARNINGS, mangle_pat); BUILD_BUG_ON(OS_PREFERRED_PATH_SEPARATOR != WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR); FREE(buf); if (ret) { FREE(s); return ret; } dat->prepopulate_pats = s; dat->mem_prepopulate_pats = mem; return 0; } static bool in_prepopulate_list(struct wim_dentry *dentry, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { struct string_set *pats; const tchar *path; pats = get_private_data(ctx)->prepopulate_pats; if (!pats || !pats->num_strings) return false; path = dentry_full_path(dentry); if (!path) return false; return match_pattern_list(path, tstrlen(path), pats); } static int hash_lookup_table(WIMStruct *wim, u8 hash[SHA1_HASH_SIZE]) { return wim_reshdr_to_hash(&wim->hdr.lookup_table_reshdr, wim, hash); } static int win32_start_extract(const wchar_t *path, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { int ret; unsigned vol_flags; bool supports_SetFileShortName; struct win32_apply_private_data *dat = get_private_data(ctx); ret = win32_get_vol_flags(path, &vol_flags, &supports_SetFileShortName); if (ret) goto err; ctx->supported_features.archive_files = 1; ctx->supported_features.hidden_files = 1; ctx->supported_features.system_files = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_FILE_COMPRESSION) ctx->supported_features.compressed_files = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION) { ctx->supported_features.encrypted_files = 1; ctx->supported_features.encrypted_directories = 1; } ctx->supported_features.not_context_indexed_files = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES) ctx->supported_features.sparse_files = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_NAMED_STREAMS) ctx->supported_features.named_data_streams = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_HARD_LINKS) ctx->supported_features.hard_links = 1; if (vol_flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS) { ctx->supported_features.reparse_points = 1; if (func_CreateSymbolicLinkW) ctx->supported_features.symlink_reparse_points = 1; } if (vol_flags & FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS) ctx->supported_features.security_descriptors = 1; if (supports_SetFileShortName) ctx->supported_features.short_names = 1; if (ctx->extract_flags & WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_WIMBOOT) { ret = load_prepopulate_pats(ctx); if (ret == WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM) goto err; if (!wim_info_get_wimboot(ctx->wim->wim_info, ctx->wim->current_image)) WARNING("Image is not marked as WIMBoot compatible!"); ret = hash_lookup_table(ctx->wim, dat->wim_lookup_table_hash); if (ret) goto err; ret = wimboot_alloc_data_source_id(ctx->wim->filename, ctx->wim->hdr.guid, ctx->wim->current_image, path, &dat->data_source_id, &dat->wof_running); if (ret) goto err; } return 0; err: free_prepopulate_pats(dat); return ret; } static int win32_finish_extract(struct apply_ctx *ctx) { free_prepopulate_pats(get_private_data(ctx)); return 0; } /* Delete a non-directory file, working around Windows quirks. */ static BOOL win32_delete_file_wrapper(const wchar_t *path) { DWORD err; DWORD attrib; if (DeleteFile(path)) return TRUE; err = GetLastError(); attrib = GetFileAttributes(path); if ((attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { /* Try again with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY cleared. */ attrib &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (SetFileAttributes(path, attrib)) { if (DeleteFile(path)) return TRUE; else err = GetLastError(); } } SetLastError(err); return FALSE; } /* Create a normal file, overwriting one already present. */ static int win32_create_file(const wchar_t *path, struct apply_ctx *ctx, u64 *cookie_ret) { HANDLE h; /* Notes: * * WRITE_OWNER and WRITE_DAC privileges are required for some reason, * even through we're creating a new file. * * FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT is required to prevent an existing * reparse point from redirecting the creation of the new file * (potentially to an arbitrary location). * * CREATE_ALWAYS could be used instead of CREATE_NEW. However, there * are quirks that would need to be handled (e.g. having to set * FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN and/or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM if the existing * file had them specified, and/or having to clear * FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY on the existing file). It's simpler to just * call win32_delete_file_wrapper() to delete the existing file in such * a way that already handles the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY quirk. */ retry: h = CreateFile(path, WRITE_OWNER | WRITE_DAC, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS && win32_delete_file_wrapper(path)) goto retry; set_errno_from_win32_error(err); return WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN; } CloseHandle(h); return 0; } static int win32_create_directory(const wchar_t *path, struct apply_ctx *ctx, u64 *cookie_ret) { if (!CreateDirectory(path, NULL)) if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) goto error; return 0; error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_MKDIR; } static int win32_create_hardlink(const wchar_t *oldpath, const wchar_t *newpath, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { if (!CreateHardLink(newpath, oldpath, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) goto error; if (!win32_delete_file_wrapper(newpath)) goto error; if (!CreateHardLink(newpath, oldpath, NULL)) goto error; } return 0; error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_LINK; } static int win32_create_symlink(const wchar_t *oldpath, const wchar_t *newpath, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { if (!(*func_CreateSymbolicLinkW)(newpath, oldpath, 0)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) goto error; if (!win32_delete_file_wrapper(newpath)) goto error; if (!(*func_CreateSymbolicLinkW)(newpath, oldpath, 0)) goto error; } return 0; error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_LINK; } static int win32_extract_wim_chunk(const void *buf, size_t len, void *arg) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE)arg; DWORD nbytes_written; if (unlikely(!WriteFile(h, buf, len, &nbytes_written, NULL))) goto error; if (unlikely(nbytes_written != len)) goto error; return 0; error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; } static int win32_extract_stream(const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *stream_name, size_t stream_name_nchars, struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { DWORD creationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; wchar_t *stream_path = (wchar_t*)path; HANDLE h; int ret; if (stream_name_nchars) { creationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS; stream_path = alloca(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(path) + 1 + wcslen(stream_name) + 1)); tsprintf(stream_path, L"%ls:%ls", path, stream_name); } h = CreateFile(stream_path, FILE_WRITE_DATA, 0, NULL, creationDisposition, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { set_errno_from_GetLastError(); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN; goto out; } if (!lte) { ret = 0; goto out_close_handle; } if (!SetFilePointerEx(h, (LARGE_INTEGER) { .QuadPart = lte->size}, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) goto write_error; if (!SetEndOfFile(h)) goto write_error; if (!SetFilePointerEx(h, (LARGE_INTEGER) { .QuadPart = 0}, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) goto write_error; ret = extract_stream(lte, lte->size, win32_extract_wim_chunk, h); goto out_close_handle; write_error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; out_close_handle: if (!CloseHandle(h)) { if (!ret) { set_errno_from_GetLastError(); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; } } out: return ret; } static int win32_extract_unnamed_stream(file_spec_t file, struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte, struct apply_ctx *ctx, struct wim_dentry *dentry) { if (ctx->extract_flags & WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_WIMBOOT && lte && lte->resource_location == RESOURCE_IN_WIM && lte->rspec->wim == ctx->wim && lte->size == lte->rspec->uncompressed_size) { if (in_prepopulate_list(dentry, ctx)) { if (ctx->progress_func) { union wimlib_progress_info info; info.wimboot_exclude.path_in_wim = dentry->_full_path; info.wimboot_exclude.extraction_path = file.path; ctx->progress_func(WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_WIMBOOT_EXCLUDE, &info); } } else { const struct win32_apply_private_data *dat; dat = get_private_data(ctx); return wimboot_set_pointer(file.path, lte, dat->data_source_id, dat->wim_lookup_table_hash, dat->wof_running); } } return win32_extract_stream(file.path, NULL, 0, lte, ctx); } static int win32_extract_named_stream(file_spec_t file, const wchar_t *stream_name, size_t stream_name_nchars, struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { return win32_extract_stream(file.path, stream_name, stream_name_nchars, lte, ctx); } struct win32_encrypted_extract_ctx { const struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte; u64 offset; }; static DWORD WINAPI win32_encrypted_import_cb(unsigned char *data, void *_import_ctx, unsigned long *len_p) { struct win32_encrypted_extract_ctx *import_ctx = _import_ctx; unsigned long len = *len_p; const struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte = import_ctx->lte; len = min(len, lte->size - import_ctx->offset); if (read_partial_wim_stream_into_buf(lte, len, import_ctx->offset, data)) return ERROR_READ_FAULT; import_ctx->offset += len; *len_p = len; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static int win32_extract_encrypted_stream(const wchar_t *path, struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { void *file_ctx; DWORD err; int ret; struct win32_encrypted_extract_ctx extract_ctx; err = OpenEncryptedFileRaw(path, CREATE_FOR_IMPORT, &file_ctx); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { set_errno_from_win32_error(err); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN; goto out; } extract_ctx.lte = lte; extract_ctx.offset = 0; err = WriteEncryptedFileRaw(win32_encrypted_import_cb, &extract_ctx, file_ctx); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { set_errno_from_win32_error(err); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; goto out_close; } ret = 0; out_close: CloseEncryptedFileRaw(file_ctx); out: return ret; } static BOOL win32_set_special_file_attributes(const wchar_t *path, u32 attributes) { HANDLE h; DWORD err; USHORT compression_format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT; DWORD bytes_returned; h = win32_open_existing_file(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) if (!DeviceIoControl(h, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bytes_returned, NULL)) goto error_close_handle; if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) if (!DeviceIoControl(h, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &compression_format, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &bytes_returned, NULL)) goto error_close_handle; if (!CloseHandle(h)) goto error; if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) if (!EncryptFile(path)) goto error; return TRUE; error_close_handle: err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(h); SetLastError(err); error: return FALSE; } static int win32_set_file_attributes(const wchar_t *path, u32 attributes, struct apply_ctx *ctx, unsigned pass) { u32 special_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; u32 actual_attributes; /* Delay setting FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY on the initial pass (when files * are created, but data not extracted); otherwise the system will * refuse access to the file even if the process has SeRestorePrivilege. */ if (pass == 0) attributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (!SetFileAttributes(path, attributes & ~special_attributes)) goto error; if (pass != 0) return 0; if (attributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED)) if (!win32_set_special_file_attributes(path, attributes)) goto error; /* If file is not supposed to be encrypted or compressed, remove * defaulted encrypted or compressed attributes (from creating file in * encrypted or compressed directory). */ actual_attributes = GetFileAttributes(path); if (actual_attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) goto error; if ((actual_attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) && !(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED)) if (!DecryptFile(path, 0)) goto error; if ((actual_attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) && !(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED)) { HANDLE h; DWORD bytes_returned; USHORT compression_format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE; h = win32_open_existing_file(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; if (!DeviceIoControl(h, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &compression_format, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &bytes_returned, NULL)) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(h); SetLastError(err); goto error; } if (!CloseHandle(h)) goto error; } return 0; error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_SET_ATTRIBUTES; } static int win32_set_reparse_data(const wchar_t *path, const u8 *rpbuf, u16 rpbuflen, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { HANDLE h; DWORD err; DWORD bytes_returned; h = win32_open_existing_file(path, GENERIC_WRITE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; if (!DeviceIoControl(h, FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, (void*)rpbuf, rpbuflen, NULL, 0, &bytes_returned, NULL)) goto error_close_handle; if (!CloseHandle(h)) goto error; return 0; error_close_handle: err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(h); SetLastError(err); error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; /* XXX: need better error code */ } static int win32_set_short_name(const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *short_name, size_t short_name_nchars, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { HANDLE h; DWORD err; h = win32_open_existing_file(path, GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; if (short_name_nchars) { if (!SetFileShortName(h, short_name)) goto error_close_handle; } else if (running_on_windows_7_or_later()) { if (!SetFileShortName(h, L"")) goto error_close_handle; } if (!CloseHandle(h)) goto error; return 0; error_close_handle: err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(h); SetLastError(err); error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; /* XXX: need better error code */ } /* * Set an arbitrary security descriptor on an arbitrary file (or directory), * working around bugs and design flaws in the Windows operating system. * * On success, return 0. On failure, return WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY and set * errno. Note: if WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS is not set in * ctx->extract_flags, this function succeeds iff any part of the security * descriptor was successfully set. */ static int win32_set_security_descriptor(const wchar_t *path, const u8 *desc, size_t desc_size, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { SECURITY_INFORMATION info; DWORD dwDesiredAccess; HANDLE h; DWORD status; int ret; /* We really just want to set entire the security descriptor as-is, but * all available APIs require specifying the specific parts of the * descriptor being set. Start out by requesting all parts be set. If * permissions problems are encountered, fall back to omitting some * parts (first the SACL, then the DACL, then the owner), unless the * WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS flag has been enabled. */ info = OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; /* Prefer NtSetSecurityObject() to SetFileSecurity(). SetFileSecurity() * itself necessarily uses NtSetSecurityObject() as the latter is the * underlying system call for setting security information, but * SetFileSecurity() opens the handle with NtCreateFile() without * FILE_OPEN_FILE_BACKUP_INTENT. Hence, access checks are done and due * to the Windows security model, even a process running as the * Administrator can have access denied. (Of course, this not mentioned * in the MS "documentation".) */ /* Open a handle for NtSetSecurityObject() with as many relevant * access rights as possible. * * We don't know which rights will be actually granted. It * could be less than what is needed to actually assign the full * security descriptor, especially if the process is running as * a non-Administrator. However, by default we just do the best * we can, unless WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS has been * enabled. The MAXIMUM_ALLOWED access right is seemingly * designed for this use case; however, it does not work * properly in all cases: it can cause CreateFile() to fail with * ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, even though by definition * MAXIMUM_ALLOWED access only requests access rights that are * *not* denied. (Needless to say, MS does not document this * bug.) */ dwDesiredAccess = WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; while ((h = win32_open_existing_file(path, dwDesiredAccess)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD err; err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD) { /* Don't increment partial_security_descriptors * here or check WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS * here. It will be done later if needed; here * we are just trying to get as many relevant * access rights as possible. */ if (dwDesiredAccess & ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY) { dwDesiredAccess &= ~ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; continue; } if (dwDesiredAccess & WRITE_DAC) { dwDesiredAccess &= ~WRITE_DAC; continue; } if (dwDesiredAccess & WRITE_OWNER) { dwDesiredAccess &= ~WRITE_OWNER; continue; } } /* Other error, or couldn't open the file even with no * access rights specified. Something else must be * wrong. */ set_errno_from_win32_error(err); return WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY; } /* Try setting the security descriptor. */ ret = 0; while (!(NT_SUCCESS(status = (*func_NtSetSecurityObject)(h, info, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)desc)))) { /* Failed to set the requested parts of the security descriptor. * If the error was permissions-related, try to set fewer parts * of the security descriptor, unless * WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS is enabled. */ if ((status == STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD || status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) && !(ctx->extract_flags & WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS)) { if (info & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { info &= ~SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; ctx->partial_security_descriptors++; continue; } if (info & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { info &= ~DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; continue; } if (info & OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { info &= ~OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; continue; } /* Nothing left except GROUP, and if we removed it we * wouldn't have anything at all. */ } /* No part of the security descriptor could be set, or * WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS is enabled and the full * security descriptor could not be set. */ if (!(info & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)) ctx->partial_security_descriptors--; set_errno_from_nt_status(status); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY; break; } /* Close handle opened for NtSetSecurityObject(). */ CloseHandle(h); return ret; } static int win32_set_timestamps(const wchar_t *path, u64 creation_time, u64 last_write_time, u64 last_access_time, struct apply_ctx *ctx) { HANDLE h; DWORD err; FILETIME creationTime = {.dwLowDateTime = creation_time & 0xffffffff, .dwHighDateTime = creation_time >> 32}; FILETIME lastAccessTime = {.dwLowDateTime = last_access_time & 0xffffffff, .dwHighDateTime = last_access_time >> 32}; FILETIME lastWriteTime = {.dwLowDateTime = last_write_time & 0xffffffff, .dwHighDateTime = last_write_time >> 32}; h = win32_open_existing_file(path, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; if (!SetFileTime(h, &creationTime, &lastAccessTime, &lastWriteTime)) goto error_close_handle; if (!CloseHandle(h)) goto error; return 0; error_close_handle: err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(h); SetLastError(err); error: set_errno_from_GetLastError(); return WIMLIB_ERR_SET_TIMESTAMPS; } const struct apply_operations win32_apply_ops = { .name = L"Win32", .target_is_root = win32_path_is_root_of_drive, .start_extract = win32_start_extract, .finish_extract = win32_finish_extract, .abort_extract = win32_finish_extract, .create_file = win32_create_file, .create_directory = win32_create_directory, .create_hardlink = win32_create_hardlink, .create_symlink = win32_create_symlink, .extract_unnamed_stream = win32_extract_unnamed_stream, .extract_named_stream = win32_extract_named_stream, .extract_encrypted_stream = win32_extract_encrypted_stream, .set_file_attributes = win32_set_file_attributes, .set_reparse_data = win32_set_reparse_data, .set_short_name = win32_set_short_name, .set_security_descriptor = win32_set_security_descriptor, .set_timestamps = win32_set_timestamps, .path_prefix = L"\\\\?\\", .path_prefix_nchars = 4, .path_separator = L'\\', .path_max = 32768, .requires_realtarget_in_paths = 1, .realpath_works_on_nonexisting_files = 1, .root_directory_is_special = 1, .requires_final_set_attributes_pass = 1, .extract_encrypted_stream_creates_file = 1, .requires_short_name_reordering = 1, /* TODO: check if this is really needed */ }; #endif /* __WIN32__ */