/* * util.c */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Eric Biggers * * This file is part of wimlib, a library for working with WIM files. * * wimlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * wimlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with wimlib; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE_DEFINED 1 # undef _GNU_SOURCE #endif /* Make sure the POSIX-compatible strerror_r() is declared, rather than the GNU * version, which has a different return type. */ #include #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE_DEFINED # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include "wimlib.h" #include "wimlib/compiler.h" #include "wimlib/encoding.h" #include "wimlib/error.h" #include "wimlib/types.h" #include "wimlib/util.h" #include "wimlib/xml.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ # include "wimlib/win32.h" /* win32_strerror_r_replacement */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include static size_t utf16le_strlen(const utf16lechar *s) { const utf16lechar *p = s; while (*p) p++; return (p - s) * sizeof(utf16lechar); } #ifdef __WIN32__ # define wimlib_vfprintf vfwprintf #else /* Handle %W for UTF16-LE printing. * * TODO: this is not yet done properly--- it's assumed that if the format string * contains %W, then it contains no other format specifiers. */ static int wimlib_vfprintf(FILE *fp, const tchar *format, va_list va) { const tchar *p; int n; for (p = format; *p; p++) if (*p == T('%') && *(p + 1) == T('W')) goto special; return tvfprintf(fp, format, va); special: n = 0; for (p = format; *p; p++) { if (*p == T('%') && (*(p + 1) == T('W'))) { int ret; tchar *tstr; size_t tstr_nbytes; utf16lechar *ucs = va_arg(va, utf16lechar*); if (ucs) { size_t ucs_nbytes = utf16le_strlen(ucs); ret = utf16le_to_tstr(ucs, ucs_nbytes, &tstr, &tstr_nbytes); if (ret) { ret = tfprintf(fp, T("??????")); } else { ret = tfprintf(fp, T("%"TS), tstr); FREE(tstr); } if (ret < 0) return -1; else n += ret; } else { n += tfprintf(fp, T("(null)")); } p++; } else { if (tputc(*p, fp) == EOF) return -1; n++; } } return n; } int wimlib_printf(const tchar *format, ...) { int ret; va_list va; va_start(va, format); ret = wimlib_vfprintf(stdout, format, va); va_end(va); return ret; } int wimlib_fprintf(FILE *fp, const tchar *format, ...) { int ret; va_list va; va_start(va, format); ret = wimlib_vfprintf(fp, format, va); va_end(va); return ret; } #endif /* __WIN32__ */ #ifdef ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES bool wimlib_print_errors = false; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES) || defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) static void wimlib_vmsg(const tchar *tag, const tchar *format, va_list va, bool perror) { #ifndef DEBUG if (wimlib_print_errors) { #endif int errno_save = errno; fflush(stdout); tfputs(tag, stderr); wimlib_vfprintf(stderr, format, va); if (perror && errno_save != 0) { tchar buf[50]; int res; res = tstrerror_r(errno_save, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (res) { tsprintf(buf, T("unknown error (errno=%d)"), errno_save); } #ifdef WIN32 if (errno_save == EBUSY) tstrcpy(buf, T("Resource busy")); #endif tfprintf(stderr, T(": %"TS), buf); } tputc(T('\n'), stderr); fflush(stderr); errno = errno_save; #ifndef DEBUG } #endif } #endif /* True if wimlib is to print an informational message when an error occurs. * This can be turned off by calling wimlib_set_print_errors(false). */ #ifdef ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES void wimlib_error(const tchar *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); wimlib_vmsg(T("\r[ERROR] "), format, va, false); va_end(va); } void wimlib_error_with_errno(const tchar *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); wimlib_vmsg(T("\r[ERROR] "), format, va, true); va_end(va); } void wimlib_warning(const tchar *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); wimlib_vmsg(T("\r[WARNING] "), format, va, false); va_end(va); } void wimlib_warning_with_errno(const tchar *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); wimlib_vmsg(T("\r[WARNING] "), format, va, true); va_end(va); } #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG) void wimlib_debug(const tchar *file, int line, const char *func, const tchar *format, ...) { va_list va; tchar buf[tstrlen(file) + strlen(func) + 30]; static bool debug_enabled = false; if (!debug_enabled) { char *value = getenv("WIMLIB_DEBUG"); if (!value || strcmp(value, "0")) debug_enabled = true; else return; } tsprintf(buf, T("[%"TS" %d] %s(): "), file, line, func); va_start(va, format); wimlib_vmsg(buf, format, va, false); va_end(va); } #endif /* API function documented in wimlib.h */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_set_print_errors(bool show_error_messages) { #ifdef ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES wimlib_print_errors = show_error_messages; return 0; #else if (show_error_messages) return WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; else return 0; #endif } static const tchar *error_strings[] = { [WIMLIB_ERR_SUCCESS] = T("Success"), [WIMLIB_ERR_ALREADY_LOCKED] = T("The WIM is already locked for writing"), [WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION] = T("Failed to decompress compressed data"), [WIMLIB_ERR_DELETE_STAGING_DIR] = T("Failed to delete staging directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_FILESYSTEM_DAEMON_CRASHED] = T("The process servicing the mounted WIM has crashed"), [WIMLIB_ERR_FORK] = T("Failed to fork another process"), [WIMLIB_ERR_FUSE] = T("An error was returned by fuse_main()"), [WIMLIB_ERR_FUSERMOUNT] = T("Could not execute the `fusermount' program, or it exited " "with a failure status"), [WIMLIB_ERR_ICONV_NOT_AVAILABLE] = T("The iconv() function does not seem to work. " "Maybe check to make sure the directory /usr/lib/gconv exists"), [WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_COUNT] = T("Inconsistent image count among the metadata " "resources, the WIM header, and/or the XML data"), [WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_NAME_COLLISION] = T("Tried to add an image with a name that is already in use"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES] = T("The user does not have sufficient privileges"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INTEGRITY] = T("The WIM failed an integrity check"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_CAPTURE_CONFIG] = T("The capture configuration string was invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE] = T("The WIM is compressed but does not have a chunk " "size of 32768"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_TYPE] = T("The WIM is compressed, but is not marked as having LZX or " "XPRESS compression"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_HEADER] = T("The WIM header was invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE] = T("Tried to select an image that does not exist in the WIM"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_INTEGRITY_TABLE] = T("The WIM's integrity table is invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_LOOKUP_TABLE_ENTRY] = T("An entry in the WIM's lookup table is invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_MULTIBYTE_STRING] = T("A string was not valid in the current locale's character encoding"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_OVERLAY] = T("Conflicting files in overlay when creating a WIM image"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM] = T("An invalid parameter was given"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PART_NUMBER] = T("The part number or total parts of the WIM is invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PIPABLE_WIM] = T("The pipable WIM is invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA] = T("The reparse data of a reparse point was invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_HASH] = T("The SHA1 message digest of a WIM resource did not match the expected value"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_METADATA_RESOURCE] = T("The metadata resource is invalid"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_UNMOUNT_MESSAGE] = T("The version of wimlib that has mounted a WIM image is incompatible with the " "version being used to unmount it"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_UTF8_STRING] = T("A string provided as input by the user was not a valid UTF-8 string"), [WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_UTF16_STRING] = T("A string in a WIM dentry is not a valid UTF-16LE string"), [WIMLIB_ERR_IS_DIRECTORY] = T("One of the specified paths to delete was a directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_LIBXML_UTF16_HANDLER_NOT_AVAILABLE] = T("libxml2 was unable to find a character encoding conversion handler " "for UTF-16LE"), [WIMLIB_ERR_LINK] = T("Failed to create a hard or symbolic link when extracting " "a file from the WIM"), [WIMLIB_ERR_MKDIR] = T("Failed to create a directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_MQUEUE] = T("Failed to create or use a POSIX message queue"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM] = T("Ran out of memory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOTDIR] = T("Expected a directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOTEMPTY] = T("Directory was not empty"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_WIM_FILE] = T("The file did not begin with the magic characters that " "identify a WIM file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_REGULAR_FILE] = T("One of the specified paths to extract did not " "correspond to a regular file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NO_FILENAME] = T("The WIM is not identified with a filename"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_PIPABLE] = T("The WIM was not captured such that it can be " "applied from a pipe"), [WIMLIB_ERR_NTFS_3G] = T("NTFS-3g encountered an error (check errno)"), [WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN] = T("Failed to open a file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_OPENDIR] = T("Failed to open a directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST] = T("The path does not exist in the WIM image"), [WIMLIB_ERR_READ] = T("Could not read data from a file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_READLINK] = T("Could not read the target of a symbolic link"), [WIMLIB_ERR_RENAME] = T("Could not rename a file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_REPARSE_POINT_FIXUP_FAILED] = T("Unable to complete reparse point fixup"), [WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND] = T("A file resource needed to complete the operation was missing from the WIM"), [WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_ORDER] = T("The components of the WIM were arranged in an unexpected order"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SET_ATTRIBUTES] = T("Failed to set attributes on extracted file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SET_REPARSE_DATA] = T("Failed to set reparse data on extracted file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY] = T("Failed to set file owner, group, or other permissions on extracted file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SHORT_NAME] = T("Failed to set short name on extracted file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SET_TIMESTAMPS] = T("Failed to set timestamps on extracted file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SPLIT_INVALID] = T("The WIM is part of an invalid split WIM"), [WIMLIB_ERR_SPLIT_UNSUPPORTED] = T("The WIM is part of a split WIM, which is not supported for this operation"), [WIMLIB_ERR_STAT] = T("Could not read the metadata for a file or directory"), [WIMLIB_ERR_TIMEOUT] = T("Timed out while waiting for a message to arrive from another process"), [WIMLIB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE] = T("Unexpectedly reached the end of the file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_UNICODE_STRING_NOT_REPRESENTABLE] = T("A Unicode string could not be represented in the current locale's encoding"), [WIMLIB_ERR_UNKNOWN_VERSION] = T("The WIM file is marked with an unknown version number"), [WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED] = T("The requested operation is unsupported"), [WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE] = T("A file in the directory tree to archive was not of a supported type"), [WIMLIB_ERR_VOLUME_LACKS_FEATURES] = T("The volume did not support a feature necessary to complete the operation"), [WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY] = T("The WIM is read-only (file permissions, header flag, or split WIM)"), [WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE] = T("Failed to write data to a file"), [WIMLIB_ERR_XML] = T("The XML data of the WIM is invalid"), }; /* API function documented in wimlib.h */ WIMLIBAPI const tchar * wimlib_get_error_string(enum wimlib_error_code code) { if ((int)code < 0 || code >= ARRAY_LEN(error_strings)) return NULL; else return error_strings[code]; } #ifdef ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR static void *(*wimlib_malloc_func) (size_t) = malloc; static void (*wimlib_free_func) (void *) = free; static void *(*wimlib_realloc_func)(void *, size_t) = realloc; void * wimlib_malloc(size_t size) { if (size == 0) size = 1; void *ptr = (*wimlib_malloc_func)(size); if (ptr == NULL) ERROR("memory exhausted"); return ptr; } void wimlib_free_memory(void *ptr) { (*wimlib_free_func)(ptr); } void * wimlib_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { if (size == 0) size = 1; ptr = (*wimlib_realloc_func)(ptr, size); if (ptr == NULL) ERROR("memory exhausted"); return ptr; } void * wimlib_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { size_t total_size = nmemb * size; void *p = MALLOC(total_size); if (p) p = memset(p, 0, total_size); return p; } char * wimlib_strdup(const char *str) { size_t size; char *p; size = strlen(str); p = MALLOC(size + 1); if (p) p = memcpy(p, str, size + 1); return p; } #ifdef __WIN32__ wchar_t * wimlib_wcsdup(const wchar_t *str) { size_t size; wchar_t *p; size = wcslen(str); p = MALLOC((size + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (p) p = wmemcpy(p, str, size + 1); return p; } #endif #endif /* ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR */ void * memdup(const void *mem, size_t size) { void *ptr = MALLOC(size); if (ptr) ptr = memcpy(ptr, mem, size); return ptr; } /* API function documented in wimlib.h */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_set_memory_allocator(void *(*malloc_func)(size_t), void (*free_func)(void *), void *(*realloc_func)(void *, size_t)) { #ifdef ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR wimlib_malloc_func = malloc_func ? malloc_func : malloc; wimlib_free_func = free_func ? free_func : free; wimlib_realloc_func = realloc_func ? realloc_func : realloc; xml_set_memory_allocator(wimlib_malloc_func, wimlib_free_func, wimlib_realloc_func); return 0; #else ERROR("Cannot set custom memory allocator functions:"); ERROR("wimlib was compiled with the --without-custom-memory-allocator " "flag"); return WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; #endif } static bool seeded = false; static void seed_random(void) { srand(time(NULL) * getpid()); seeded = true; } /* Fills @n characters pointed to by @p with random alphanumeric characters. */ void randomize_char_array_with_alnum(tchar p[], size_t n) { if (!seeded) seed_random(); while (n--) { int r = rand() % 62; if (r < 26) *p++ = r + 'a'; else if (r < 52) *p++ = r - 26 + 'A'; else *p++ = r - 52 + '0'; } } /* Fills @n bytes pointer to by @p with random numbers. */ void randomize_byte_array(u8 *p, size_t n) { if (!seeded) seed_random(); while (n--) *p++ = rand(); } void print_byte_field(const u8 field[], size_t len, FILE *out) { while (len--) tfprintf(out, T("%02hhx"), *field++); } #ifndef HAVE_MEMPCPY void *mempcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) { return memcpy(dst, src, n) + n; } #endif