/* * split.c * * Split a WIM file into parts. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Eric Biggers * * This file is part of wimlib, a library for working with WIM files. * * wimlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * wimlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with wimlib; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "wimlib.h" #include "wimlib/error.h" #include "wimlib/list.h" #include "wimlib/lookup_table.h" #include "wimlib/metadata.h" #include "wimlib/resource.h" #include "wimlib/wim.h" #include "wimlib/write.h" #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include #else # include #endif struct swm_part_info { struct list_head stream_list; u64 size; }; static void copy_part_info(struct swm_part_info *dst, struct swm_part_info *src) { list_transfer(&src->stream_list, &dst->stream_list); dst->size = src->size; } struct swm_info { struct swm_part_info *parts; unsigned num_parts; unsigned num_alloc_parts; u64 total_bytes; u64 max_part_size; }; static int write_split_wim(WIMStruct *orig_wim, const tchar *swm_name, struct swm_info *swm_info, int write_flags, wimlib_progress_func_t progress_func) { size_t swm_name_len; tchar *swm_name_buf; const tchar *dot; tchar *swm_suffix; size_t swm_base_name_len; union wimlib_progress_info progress; unsigned part_number; int ret; u8 guid[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN]; swm_name_len = tstrlen(swm_name); swm_name_buf = alloca((swm_name_len + 20) * sizeof(tchar)); tstrcpy(swm_name_buf, swm_name); dot = tstrchr(swm_name_buf, T('.')); if (dot) { swm_base_name_len = dot - swm_name_buf; swm_suffix = alloca((tstrlen(dot) + 1) * sizeof(tchar)); tstrcpy(swm_suffix, dot); } else { swm_base_name_len = swm_name_len; swm_suffix = alloca(1 * sizeof(tchar)); swm_suffix[0] = T('\0'); } progress.split.completed_bytes = 0; progress.split.total_bytes = 0; for (part_number = 1; part_number <= swm_info->num_parts; part_number++) progress.split.total_bytes += swm_info->parts[part_number - 1].size; progress.split.total_parts = swm_info->num_parts; progress.split.part_name = swm_name_buf; randomize_byte_array(guid, WIMLIB_GUID_LEN); for (part_number = 1; part_number <= swm_info->num_parts; part_number++) { int part_write_flags; if (part_number != 1) { tsprintf(swm_name_buf + swm_base_name_len, T("%u%"TS), part_number, swm_suffix); } progress.split.cur_part_number = part_number; if (progress_func) { progress_func(WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_BEGIN_PART, &progress); } part_write_flags = write_flags; part_write_flags |= WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_USE_EXISTING_TOTALBYTES; if (part_number != 1) part_write_flags |= WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_NO_METADATA; ret = write_wim_part(orig_wim, swm_name_buf, WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES, part_write_flags, 1, NULL, part_number, swm_info->num_parts, &swm_info->parts[part_number - 1].stream_list, guid); if (ret) return ret; progress.split.completed_bytes += swm_info->parts[part_number - 1].size; if (progress_func) { progress_func(WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_END_PART, &progress); } } return 0; } static int add_stream_to_swm(struct wim_lookup_table_entry *lte, void *_swm_info) { struct swm_info *swm_info = _swm_info; u64 stream_size; if (lte_is_partial(lte)) { ERROR("Splitting of WIM containing packed streams is not supported.\n" " Export it in the default format first."); return WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (lte->resource_location == RESOURCE_IN_WIM) stream_size = lte->rspec->size_in_wim; else stream_size = lte->size; /* - Start first part if no parts have been started so far; * - Start next part if adding this stream exceeds maximum part size, * UNLESS the stream is metadata or if no streams at all have been * added to the current part. */ if (swm_info->num_parts == 0 || ((swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].size + stream_size >= swm_info->max_part_size) && !((lte->flags & WIM_RESHDR_FLAG_METADATA) || swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].size == 0))) { if (swm_info->num_parts == swm_info->num_alloc_parts) { struct swm_part_info *parts; size_t num_alloc_parts = swm_info->num_alloc_parts; num_alloc_parts += 8; parts = MALLOC(num_alloc_parts * sizeof(parts[0])); if (!parts) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; for (unsigned i = 0; i < swm_info->num_parts; i++) copy_part_info(&parts[i], &swm_info->parts[i]); FREE(swm_info->parts); swm_info->parts = parts; swm_info->num_alloc_parts = num_alloc_parts; } swm_info->num_parts++; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].stream_list); swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].size = 0; } swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].size += stream_size; if (!(lte->flags & WIM_RESHDR_FLAG_METADATA)) { list_add_tail(<e->write_streams_list, &swm_info->parts[swm_info->num_parts - 1].stream_list); } swm_info->total_bytes += stream_size; return 0; } /* API function documented in wimlib.h */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_split(WIMStruct *wim, const tchar *swm_name, u64 part_size, int write_flags, wimlib_progress_func_t progress_func) { struct swm_info swm_info; unsigned i; int ret; if (swm_name == NULL || swm_name[0] == T('\0') || part_size == 0) return WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; if (write_flags & ~WIMLIB_WRITE_MASK_PUBLIC) return WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; if (!wim_has_metadata(wim)) return WIMLIB_ERR_METADATA_NOT_FOUND; memset(&swm_info, 0, sizeof(swm_info)); swm_info.max_part_size = part_size; for (i = 0; i < wim->hdr.image_count; i++) { ret = add_stream_to_swm(wim->image_metadata[i]->metadata_lte, &swm_info); if (ret) goto out_free_swm_info; } ret = for_lookup_table_entry_pos_sorted(wim->lookup_table, add_stream_to_swm, &swm_info); if (ret) goto out_free_swm_info; ret = write_split_wim(wim, swm_name, &swm_info, write_flags, progress_func); out_free_swm_info: FREE(swm_info.parts); return ret; }