/* Replacements for functions needed specifically by the 'imagex' program in * Windows native builds */ #ifndef __WIN32__ # error "This file contains Windows code" #endif #include "imagex-win32.h" #include #include #include #include /* Replacement for glob() in Windows native builds. */ int glob(const char *pattern, int flags, int (*errfunc)(const char *epath, int eerrno), glob_t *pglob) { WIN32_FIND_DATA dat; DWORD err; HANDLE hFind; int ret; size_t nspaces; /* This function does not support all functionality of the POSIX glob(), * so make sure the parameters are consistent with supported * functionality. */ assert(errfunc == NULL); assert((flags & GLOB_ERR) == GLOB_ERR); assert((flags & ~(GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_ERR)) == 0); hFind = FindFirstFileA(pattern, &dat); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { errno = 0; return GLOB_NOMATCH; } else { /* The other possible error codes for FindFirstFile() * are undocumented. */ errno = EIO; return GLOB_ABORTED; } } pglob->gl_pathc = 0; pglob->gl_pathv = NULL; nspaces = 0; do { char *filename; if (pglob->gl_pathc == nspaces) { size_t new_nspaces; char **pathv; new_nspaces = nspaces * 2 + 1; pathv = realloc(pglob->gl_pathv, new_nspaces * sizeof(pglob->gl_pathv[0])); if (!pathv) goto oom; pglob->gl_pathv = pathv; nspaces = new_nspaces; } filename = strdup(dat.cFileName); if (!filename) goto oom; pglob->gl_pathv[pglob->gl_pathc++] = filename; } while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &dat)); err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hFind); if (err == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { errno = 0; return 0; } else { /* Other possible error codes for FindNextFile() are * undocumented */ errno = EIO; ret = GLOB_ABORTED; goto fail_globfree; } oom: CloseHandle(hFind); errno = ENOMEM; ret = GLOB_NOSPACE; fail_globfree: globfree(pglob); return ret; } void globfree(glob_t *pglob) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pglob->gl_pathc; i++) free(pglob->gl_pathv[i]); free(pglob->gl_pathv[i]); }