/* * xml.c * * Deals with the XML information in WIM files. Uses the C library libxml2. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Eric Biggers * * This file is part of wimlib, a library for working with WIM files. * * wimlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * wimlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with wimlib; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include "wimlib_internal.h" #include "dentry.h" #include "xml.h" #include "timestamp.h" #include #include #include #include /* The following 4 structures are used to form an in-memory representation of * the XML data (other than the raw parse tree from libxml). */ struct windows_version { u64 major; u64 minor; u64 build; u64 sp_build; u64 sp_level; }; struct windows_info { u64 arch; char *product_name; char *edition_id; char *installation_type; char *hal; char *product_type; char *product_suite; char **languages; char *default_language; u64 num_languages; char *system_root; bool windows_version_exists; struct windows_version windows_version; }; struct image_info { u64 index; u64 dir_count; u64 file_count; u64 total_bytes; u64 hard_link_bytes; u64 creation_time; u64 last_modification_time; bool windows_info_exists; struct windows_info windows_info; char *name; char *description; char *display_name; char *display_description; char *flags; }; /* Returns a statically allocated string that is a string representation of the * architecture number. */ static const char *get_arch(int arch) { static char buf[20]; switch (arch) { case 0: return "x86"; case 6: return "ia64"; case 9: return "x86_64"; /* XXX Are there other arch values? */ default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d (unknown)", arch); return buf; } } /* Iterate through the children of an xmlNode. */ #define for_node_child(parent, child) for (child = parent->children; \ child != NULL; child = child->next) /* Utility functions for xmlNodes */ static inline bool node_is_element(xmlNode *node) { return node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE; } static inline bool node_is_text(xmlNode *node) { return node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE; } static inline bool node_is_attribute(xmlNode *node) { return node->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } static inline bool node_name_is(xmlNode *node, const char *name) { /* For now, both upper case and lower case element names are accepted. */ return strcasecmp((const char *)node->name, name) == 0; } /* Finds the text node that is a child of an element node and returns its * content converted to a 64-bit unsigned integer. Returns 0 if no text node is * found. */ static u64 node_get_u64(const xmlNode *u64_node) { xmlNode *child; for_node_child(u64_node, child) if (node_is_text(child)) return strtoull((const char *)child->content, NULL, 10); return 0; } /* Like node_get_u64(), but expects a number in base 16. */ static u64 node_get_hex_u64(const xmlNode *u64_node) { xmlNode *child; for_node_child(u64_node, child) if (node_is_text(child)) return strtoull(child->content, NULL, 16); return 0; } static int node_get_string(const xmlNode *string_node, char **str) { xmlNode *child; char *p = NULL; for_node_child(string_node, child) { if (node_is_text(child) && child->content) { p = STRDUP(child->content); if (!p) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; break; } } *str = p; return 0; } /* Returns the timestamp from a time node. It has child elements and * that are then used to construct a 64-bit timestamp. */ static u64 node_get_timestamp(const xmlNode *time_node) { u32 high_part = 0; u32 low_part = 0; xmlNode *child; for_node_child(time_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "HIGHPART")) high_part = node_get_hex_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "LOWPART")) low_part = node_get_hex_u64(child); } return (u64)low_part | ((u64)high_part << 32); } /* Used to sort an array of struct image_infos by their image indices. */ static int sort_by_index(const void *p1, const void *p2) { u64 index_1 = ((struct image_info*)p1)->index; u64 index_2 = ((struct image_info*)p1)->index; if (index_1 < index_2) return -1; else if (index_1 > index_2) return 1; else return 0; } /* Frees memory allocated inside a struct windows_info structure. */ static void destroy_windows_info(struct windows_info *windows_info) { uint i; FREE(windows_info->product_name); FREE(windows_info->edition_id); FREE(windows_info->installation_type); FREE(windows_info->product_type); for (i = 0; i < windows_info->num_languages; i++) FREE(windows_info->languages[i]); FREE(windows_info->languages); FREE(windows_info->system_root); } /* Frees memory allocated inside a struct image_info structure. */ static void destroy_image_info(struct image_info *image_info) { FREE(image_info->name); FREE(image_info->description); FREE(image_info->flags); FREE(image_info->display_name); FREE(image_info->display_description); destroy_windows_info(&image_info->windows_info); memset(image_info, 0, sizeof(struct image_info)); } void free_wim_info(struct wim_info *info) { uint i; if (info) { if (info->images) { for (i = 0; i < info->num_images; i++) destroy_image_info(&info->images[i]); FREE(info->images); } FREE(info); } } /* Reads the information from a element inside the element. * */ static void xml_read_windows_version(const xmlNode *version_node, struct windows_version* windows_version) { xmlNode *child; for_node_child(version_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "MAJOR")) windows_version->major = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "MINOR")) windows_version->minor = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "BUILD")) windows_version->build = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "SPBUILD")) windows_version->sp_build = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "SPLEVEL")) windows_version->sp_level = node_get_u64(child); } } /* Reads the information from a element inside a element. * */ static int xml_read_languages(const xmlNode *languages_node, char ***languages_ret, u64 *num_languages_ret, char **default_language_ret) { xmlNode *child; uint i; uint num_languages; char **languages; int ret; num_languages = 0; for_node_child(languages_node, child) if (node_is_element(child) && node_name_is(child, "LANGUAGE")) num_languages++; languages = CALLOC(num_languages, sizeof(char*)); if (!languages) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; *languages_ret = languages; *num_languages_ret = num_languages; i = 0; ret = 0; for_node_child(languages_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "LANGUAGE")) ret = node_get_string(child, &languages[i++]); else if (node_name_is(child, "DEFAULT")) ret = node_get_string(child, default_language_ret); if (ret != 0) return ret; } return 0; } /* Reads the information from a element inside an element. */ static int xml_read_windows_info(const xmlNode *windows_node, struct windows_info *windows_info) { xmlNode *child; int ret = 0; for_node_child(windows_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "ARCH")) { windows_info->arch = node_get_u64(child); } else if (node_name_is(child, "PRODUCTNAME")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->product_name); } else if (node_name_is(child, "EDITIONID")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->edition_id); } else if (node_name_is(child, "INSTALLATIONTYPE")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->installation_type); } else if (node_name_is(child, "PRODUCTTYPE")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->product_type); } else if (node_name_is(child, "PRODUCTSUITE")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->product_suite); } else if (node_name_is(child, "LANGUAGES")) { ret = xml_read_languages(child, &windows_info->languages, &windows_info->num_languages, &windows_info->default_language); } else if (node_name_is(child, "VERSION")) { xml_read_windows_version(child, &windows_info->windows_version); windows_info->windows_version_exists = true; } else if (node_name_is(child, "SYSTEMROOT")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->system_root); } else if (node_name_is(child, "HAL")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &windows_info->hal); } if (ret != 0) return ret; } return 0; } /* Reads the information from an element. */ static int xml_read_image_info(xmlNode *image_node, struct image_info *image_info) { xmlNode *child; xmlChar *index_prop; int ret; index_prop = xmlGetProp(image_node, "INDEX"); if (index_prop) { image_info->index = strtoul(index_prop, NULL, 10); FREE(index_prop); } else { image_info->index = 0; } ret = 0; for_node_child(image_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "DIRCOUNT")) image_info->dir_count = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "FILECOUNT")) image_info->file_count = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "TOTALBYTES")) image_info->total_bytes = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "HARDLINKBYTES")) image_info->hard_link_bytes = node_get_u64(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "CREATIONTIME")) image_info->creation_time = node_get_timestamp(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "LASTMODIFICATIONTIME")) image_info->last_modification_time = node_get_timestamp(child); else if (node_name_is(child, "WINDOWS")) { DEBUG("Found tag\n"); ret = xml_read_windows_info(child, &image_info->windows_info); image_info->windows_info_exists = true; } else if (node_name_is(child, "NAME")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &image_info->name); } else if (node_name_is(child, "DESCRIPTION")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &image_info->description); } else if (node_name_is(child, "FLAGS")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &image_info->flags); } else if (node_name_is(child, "DISPLAYNAME")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &image_info->display_name); } else if (node_name_is(child, "DISPLAYDESCRIPTION")) { ret = node_get_string(child, &image_info->display_description); } if (ret != 0) return ret; } if (!image_info->name) { WARNING("Image with index %"PRIu64" has no name\n", image_info->index); image_info->name = MALLOC(1); if (!image_info->name) { ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } image_info->name[0] = '\0'; return 0; } return 0; } /* Reads the information from a element, which should be the root element * of the XML tree. */ static int xml_read_wim_info(const xmlNode *wim_node, struct wim_info **wim_info_ret) { struct wim_info *wim_info; xmlNode *child; int ret; uint num_images; struct image_info *cur_image_info; wim_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct wim_info)); if (!wim_info) { ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } /* Count how many images there are. */ num_images = 0; for_node_child(wim_node, child) if (node_is_element(child) && node_name_is(child, "IMAGE")) num_images++; if (num_images == 0) goto done; /* Allocate the array of struct image_infos and fill them in. */ wim_info->images = CALLOC(num_images, sizeof(wim_info->images[0])); if (!wim_info->images) { ret = WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); goto err; } wim_info->num_images = num_images; cur_image_info = wim_info->images; for_node_child(wim_node, child) { if (!node_is_element(child)) continue; if (node_name_is(child, "IMAGE")) { DEBUG("Found tag\n"); ret = xml_read_image_info(child, cur_image_info++); if (ret != 0) goto err; } else if (node_name_is(child, "TOTALBYTES")) { wim_info->total_bytes = node_get_u64(child); } } /* Sort the array of struct image_infos by image index. */ qsort(wim_info->images, wim_info->num_images, sizeof(struct image_info), sort_by_index); done: *wim_info_ret = wim_info; return 0; err: free_wim_info(wim_info); return ret; } /* Prints the information contained in a struct windows_info structure. */ static void print_windows_info(const struct windows_info *windows_info) { uint i; const struct windows_version *windows_version; printf("Architecture: %s\n", get_arch(windows_info->arch)); printf("Product Name: %s\n", windows_info->product_name); printf("Edition ID: %s\n", windows_info->edition_id); printf("Installation Type: %s\n", windows_info->installation_type); if (windows_info->hal) printf("HAL: %s\n", windows_info->hal); printf("Product Type: %s\n", windows_info->product_type); if (windows_info->product_suite) printf("Product Suite: %s\n", windows_info->product_suite); printf("Languages: "); for (i = 0; i < windows_info->num_languages; i++) { fputs(windows_info->languages[i], stdout); putchar(' '); } putchar('\n'); printf("Default Language: %s\n", windows_info->default_language); printf("System Root: %s\n", windows_info->system_root); if (windows_info->windows_version_exists) { windows_version = &windows_info->windows_version; printf("Major Version: %"PRIu64"\n", windows_version->major); printf("Minor Version: %"PRIu64"\n", windows_version->minor); printf("Build: %"PRIu64"\n", windows_version->build); printf("Service Pack Build: %"PRIu64"\n", windows_version->sp_build); printf("Service Pack Level: %"PRIu64"\n", windows_version->sp_level); } } /* Writes the information contained in a struct windows_version structure to the XML * document being constructed in memory. This is the element inside * the element. */ static int xml_write_windows_version(xmlTextWriter *writer, const struct windows_version *version) { int rc; rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, "VERSION"); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "MAJOR", "%"PRIu64, version->major); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "MINOR", "%"PRIu64, version->minor); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "BUILD", "%"PRIu64, version->build); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "SPBUILD", "%"PRIu64, version->sp_build); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "SPLEVEL", "%"PRIu64, version->sp_level); if (rc < 0) return rc; return xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* */ } /* Writes the information contained in a struct windows_info structure to the XML * document being constructed in memory. This is the element. */ static int xml_write_windows_info(xmlTextWriter *writer, const struct windows_info *windows_info) { int rc; rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, "WINDOWS"); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "ARCH", "%"PRIu64, windows_info->arch); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (windows_info->product_name) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "PRODUCTNAME", windows_info->product_name); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->edition_id) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "EDITIONID", windows_info->edition_id); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->installation_type) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "INSTALLATIONTYPE", windows_info->installation_type); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->hal) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "HAL", windows_info->hal); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->system_root) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "SYSTEMROOT", windows_info->system_root); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->product_type) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "PRODUCTTYPE", windows_info->product_type); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->product_suite) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "PRODUCTSUITE", windows_info->product_suite); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->num_languages) { rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, "LANGUAGES"); if (rc < 0) return rc; for (int i = 0; i < windows_info->num_languages; i++) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "LANGUAGE", windows_info->languages[i]); if (rc < 0) return rc; } rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "DEFAULT", windows_info->default_language); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* */ if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (windows_info->windows_version_exists) { rc = xml_write_windows_version(writer, &windows_info->windows_version); if (rc < 0) return rc; } return xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* */ } /* Writes a time element to the XML document being constructed in memory. */ static int xml_write_time(xmlTextWriter *writer, const char *element_name, u64 time) { int rc; rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, element_name); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "HIGHPART", "0x%"PRIX32, (u32)(time >> 32)); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "LOWPART", "0x%"PRIX32, (u32)time); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* */ if (rc < 0) return rc; return 0; } /* Writes an element to the XML document. */ static int xml_write_image_info(xmlTextWriter *writer, const struct image_info *image_info) { int rc; rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, "IMAGE"); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, "INDEX", "%"PRIu64, image_info->index); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "DIRCOUNT", "%"PRIu64, image_info->dir_count); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "FILECOUNT", "%"PRIu64, image_info->file_count); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "TOTALBYTES", "%"PRIu64, image_info->total_bytes); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "HARDLINKBYTES", "%"PRIu64, image_info->hard_link_bytes); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xml_write_time(writer, "CREATIONTIME", image_info->creation_time); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = xml_write_time(writer, "LASTMODIFICATIONTIME", image_info->last_modification_time); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (image_info->windows_info_exists) { rc = xml_write_windows_info(writer, &image_info->windows_info); if (rc < 0) return rc; } else { DEBUG(" tag does not exist.\n"); } if (image_info->name) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "NAME", image_info->name); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (image_info->description) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "DESCRIPTION", image_info->description); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (image_info->display_name) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "DISPLAYNAME", image_info->display_name); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (image_info->display_description) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "DISPLAYDESCRIPTION", image_info->display_description); if (rc < 0) return rc; } if (image_info->flags) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, "FLAGS", image_info->flags); if (rc < 0) return rc; } return xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* */ } /* Makes space for another image in the XML information and return a pointer to * it.*/ static struct image_info *add_image_info_struct(struct wim_info *wim_info) { struct image_info *images; images = CALLOC(wim_info->num_images + 1, sizeof(struct image_info)); if (!images) return NULL; memcpy(images, wim_info->images, wim_info->num_images * sizeof(struct image_info)); FREE(wim_info->images); wim_info->images = images; wim_info->num_images++; return &images[wim_info->num_images - 1]; } static int clone_windows_info(const struct windows_info *old, struct windows_info *new) { uint i; if (old->product_name && !(new->product_name = STRDUP(old->product_name))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->edition_id && !(new->edition_id = STRDUP(old->edition_id))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->installation_type && !(new->installation_type = STRDUP(old->installation_type))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->hal && !(new->hal = STRDUP(old->hal))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->product_type && !(new->product_type = STRDUP(old->product_type))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->product_suite && !(new->product_suite = STRDUP(old->product_suite))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->languages) { new->languages = CALLOC(old->num_languages, sizeof(char*)); if (!new->languages) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; new->num_languages = old->num_languages; for (i = 0; i < new->num_languages; i++) { if (!old->languages[i]) continue; new->languages[i] = STRDUP(old->languages[i]); if (!new->languages[i]) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } } if (old->default_language && !(new->default_language = STRDUP(old->default_language))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->system_root && !(new->system_root = STRDUP(old->system_root))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; return 0; } static int clone_image_info(const struct image_info *old, struct image_info *new) { int ret; new->dir_count = old->dir_count; new->file_count = old->file_count; new->total_bytes = old->total_bytes; new->hard_link_bytes = old->hard_link_bytes; new->creation_time = old->creation_time; new->last_modification_time = old->last_modification_time; if (!(new->name = STRDUP(old->name))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->description) if (!(new->description = STRDUP(old->description))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->display_name) if (!(new->display_name = STRDUP(old->display_name))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->display_description) if (!(new->display_description = STRDUP(old->display_description))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->flags) if (!(new->flags = STRDUP(old->flags))) return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; if (old->windows_info_exists) { new->windows_info_exists = true; return clone_windows_info(&old->windows_info, &new->windows_info); } return 0; } /* Copies the XML information for an image between WIM files. * * @dest_image_name and @dest_image_description are ignored if they are NULL; * otherwise, they are used to override the image name and/or image description * from the XML data in the source WIM file. */ int xml_export_image(const struct wim_info *old_wim_info, int image, struct wim_info **new_wim_info_p, const char *dest_image_name, const char *dest_image_description) { struct wim_info *new_wim_info; struct image_info *image_info; int ret; char *name; char *desc; DEBUG("Copying XML data between WIM files for source image %d\n", image); wimlib_assert(image >= 1 && image <= old_wim_info->num_images); if (*new_wim_info_p) { new_wim_info = *new_wim_info_p; } else { new_wim_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct wim_info)); if (!new_wim_info) goto err; } image_info = add_image_info_struct(new_wim_info); if (!image_info) goto err; ret = clone_image_info(&old_wim_info->images[image - 1], image_info); if (ret != 0) goto err; image_info->index = new_wim_info->num_images; if (dest_image_name) { FREE(image_info->name); image_info->name = STRDUP(dest_image_name); if (!image_info->name) goto err; } if (dest_image_description) { FREE(image_info->description); image_info->description = STRDUP(dest_image_description); if (!image_info->description) goto err; } *new_wim_info_p = new_wim_info; return 0; err: ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); free_wim_info(new_wim_info); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } /* Removes an image from the XML information. */ void xml_delete_image(struct wim_info **wim_info_p, int image) { struct wim_info *wim_info; int i; DEBUG("Deleting image %d from the XML data\n", image); wim_info = *wim_info_p; wimlib_assert(wim_info); wimlib_assert(image >= 1 && image <= wim_info->num_images); destroy_image_info(&wim_info->images[image - 1]); for (i = image - 1; i < wim_info->num_images - 1; i++) { memcpy(&wim_info->images[i], &wim_info->images[i + 1], sizeof(struct image_info)); wim_info->images[i].index--; } if (--wim_info->num_images == 0) { free_wim_info(wim_info); *wim_info_p = NULL; } } size_t xml_get_max_image_name_len(const WIMStruct *w) { size_t len = 0; uint i; uint num_images = w->wim_info->num_images; for (i = 0; i < num_images; i++) len = max(len, strlen(w->wim_info->images[i].name)); return len; } #ifdef ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR void xml_set_memory_allocator(void *(*malloc_func)(size_t), void (*free_func)(void *), void *(*realloc_func)(void *, size_t)) { xmlMemSetup(free_func, malloc_func, realloc_func, STRDUP); } #endif void xml_update_image_info(WIMStruct *w, int image) { struct image_info *image_info; struct dentry *root; DEBUG("Updating the image info for image %d\n", image); image_info = &w->wim_info->images[image - 1]; root = w->image_metadata[image - 1].root_dentry; calculate_dir_tree_statistics(root, w->lookup_table, &image_info->dir_count, &image_info->file_count, &image_info->total_bytes, &image_info->hard_link_bytes); image_info->last_modification_time = get_timestamp(); } /* Adds an image to the XML information. */ int xml_add_image(WIMStruct *w, struct dentry *root_dentry, const char *name, const char *description, const char *flags_element) { struct wim_info *wim_info; struct image_info *image_info; wimlib_assert(name); DEBUG("Adding image: name = %s, description = %s, flags_element = %s\n", name, description, flags_element); /* If this is the first image, allocate the struct wim_info. Otherwise * use the existing struct wim_info. */ if (w->wim_info) { wim_info = w->wim_info; } else { DEBUG("Allocing struct wim_info with 1 image\n"); wim_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct wim_info)); if (!wim_info) { ERROR("Could not allocate WIM information struct--- " "out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } } image_info = add_image_info_struct(wim_info); if (!image_info) goto err_nomem1; if (!(image_info->name = STRDUP(name))) goto err_nomem2; if (description && !(image_info->description = STRDUP(description))) goto err_nomem2; if (flags_element && !(image_info->flags = STRDUP(flags_element))) goto err_nomem2; w->wim_info = wim_info; image_info->index = wim_info->num_images; image_info->creation_time = get_timestamp(); xml_update_image_info(w, image_info->index); return 0; err_nomem2: destroy_image_info(image_info); err_nomem1: if (w->wim_info) wim_info->num_images--; else FREE(wim_info); ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } /* Prints information about the specified image from struct wim_info structure. * @image may be WIM_ALL_IMAGES. */ void print_image_info(const struct wim_info *wim_info, int image) { uint i; const struct image_info *image_info; const char *desc; time_t ctime; time_t mtime; if (image == WIM_ALL_IMAGES) { for (i = 1; i <= wim_info->num_images; i++) print_image_info(wim_info, i); } else { image_info = &wim_info->images[image - 1]; printf("Index: %"PRIu64"\n", image_info->index); printf("Name: %s\n", image_info->name); /* Always print the Description: part even if there is no * description. */ if (image_info->description) desc = image_info->description; else desc = ""; printf("Description: %s\n", desc); if (image_info->display_name) printf("Display Name: %s\n", image_info->display_name); if (image_info->display_description) printf("Display Description: %s\n", image_info->display_description); printf("Directory Count: %"PRIu64"\n", image_info->dir_count); printf("File Count: %"PRIu64"\n", image_info->file_count); printf("Total Bytes: %"PRIu64"\n", image_info->total_bytes); printf("Hard Link Bytes: %"PRIu64"\n", image_info->hard_link_bytes); ctime = ms_timestamp_to_unix(image_info->creation_time); mtime = ms_timestamp_to_unix(image_info->last_modification_time); printf("Creation Time: %s", asctime(localtime(&ctime))); printf("Last Modification Time: %s", asctime(localtime(&mtime))); if (image_info->windows_info_exists) print_windows_info(&image_info->windows_info); if (image_info->flags) printf("Flags: %s\n", image_info->flags); putchar('\n'); } } /* * Reads the XML data from a WIM file. */ int read_xml_data(FILE *fp, const struct resource_entry *res, u8 **xml_data_ret, struct wim_info **info_ret) { u8 *xml_data; xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *root; int ret; DEBUG("XML data is %"PRIu64" bytes at offset %"PRIu64"\n", (u64)res->size, res->offset); if (resource_is_compressed(res)) { ERROR("XML data is supposed to be uncompressed!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_XML; goto err0; } if (res->size < 2) { ERROR("XML data must be at least 2 bytes!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_XML; goto err0; } xml_data = MALLOC(res->size + 2); if (!xml_data) { ret = WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; goto err0; } ret = read_full_resource(fp, res->size, res->size, res->offset, WIM_COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, xml_data); if (ret != 0) goto err1; xml_data[res->size] = 0; xml_data[res->size + 1] = 0; DEBUG("Parsing XML using libxml2 to create XML tree.\n"); doc = xmlReadMemory(xml_data, res->size, "noname.xml", "UTF-16", 0); if (!doc) { ERROR("Failed to parse XML data!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_XML; goto err1; } DEBUG("Constructing WIM information structure from XML tree.\n"); root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (!root) { ERROR("Empty XML document!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_XML; goto err2; } if (!node_is_element(root) || !node_name_is(root, "WIM")) { ERROR("Expected for the root XML element! " "(found <%s>)\n", root->name); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_XML; goto err2; } ret = xml_read_wim_info(root, info_ret); if (ret != 0) goto err2; DEBUG("Freeing XML tree.\n"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); *xml_data_ret = xml_data; return 0; err2: xmlFreeDoc(doc); err1: FREE(xml_data); err0: xmlCleanupParser(); return ret; } #define CHECK_RET ({ if (ret < 0) { \ ERROR("Error writing XML data!\n"); \ ret = WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; \ goto err2; \ } }) /* * Writes XML data to a WIM file. * * If @total_bytes is non-zero, it specifies what to write to the TOTALBYTES * element in the XML data. If zero, TOTALBYTES is given the default value of * the offset of the XML data. */ int write_xml_data(const struct wim_info *wim_info, int image, FILE *out, u64 total_bytes) { xmlBuffer *buf; xmlTextWriter *writer; char *utf16_str; int ret; int num_images; int i; const xmlChar *content; size_t len; size_t utf16_len; size_t bytes_written; wimlib_assert(image == WIM_ALL_IMAGES || (wim_info != NULL && image >= 1 && image <= wim_info->num_images)); /* The contents of the element in the XML data, under the * element not the element, is (for non-spit WIMs) the * size of the WIM file excluding the XML data and integrity table, * which is the current offset, since the XML data goes at the end of * the WIM file before the integrity table. */ if (total_bytes == 0) { total_bytes = ftello(out); if (total_bytes == (u64)-1) return WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; } DEBUG("Creating XML buffer and text writer\n"); buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (!buf) { ERROR("Failed to allocate XML buffer!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; goto err0; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (!writer) { ERROR("Failed to allocate XML writer!\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; goto err1; } /* XXX */ /* M$'s WIM files do not have XML declarations, so do not write one. * I'm not sure how we can force the document to be written in UTF-16 * without calling xmlTextWriterStartDocument(), though, so currently it * is composed in a buffer UTF-8, then converted to UTF-16. */ #if 0 ret = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-16", NULL); CHECK_RET; #endif DEBUG("Writing element\n"); ret = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, "WIM"); CHECK_RET; ret = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, "TOTALBYTES", "%"PRIu64, total_bytes); CHECK_RET; if (wim_info) num_images = wim_info->num_images; else num_images = 0; DEBUG("Writing %u elements\n", num_images); for (i = 1; i <= num_images; i++) { if (image != WIM_ALL_IMAGES && i != image) continue; DEBUG("Writing element for image %d\n", i); ret = xml_write_image_info(writer, &wim_info->images[i - 1]); CHECK_RET; } ret = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); CHECK_RET; ret = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); CHECK_RET; DEBUG("Done composing XML document. Now converting to UTF-16 and " "writing it to the output file.\n"); content = xmlBufferContent(buf); len = xmlBufferLength(buf); utf16_str = utf8_to_utf16(content, len, &utf16_len); if (!utf16_str) { ret = WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; goto err2; } if ((putc(0xff, out)) == EOF || (putc(0xfe, out) == EOF) || ((bytes_written = fwrite(utf16_str, 1, utf16_len, out)) != utf16_len)) { ERROR("Error writing XML data: %m\n"); ret = WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; goto err3; } DEBUG("Cleaning up.\n"); ret = 0; err3: FREE(utf16_str); err2: xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); err1: xmlBufferFree(buf); err0: return ret; } /* Returns the name of the specified image. */ WIMLIBAPI const char *wimlib_get_image_name(const WIMStruct *w, int image) { DEBUG("Getting the name of image %d\n", image); if (image < 1 || image > w->hdr.image_count) return NULL; return w->wim_info->images[image - 1].name; } /* Returns the description of the specified image. */ WIMLIBAPI const char *wimlib_get_image_description(const WIMStruct *w, int image) { DEBUG("Getting the description of image %d\n", image); if (image < 1 || image > w->hdr.image_count) return NULL; return w->wim_info->images[image - 1].description; } /* Determines if an image name is already used by some image in the WIM. */ WIMLIBAPI bool wimlib_image_name_in_use(const WIMStruct *w, const char *name) { int i; DEBUG("Checking to see if the image name `%s' is already " "in use\n", name); if (!name || !w->wim_info) return false; for (i = 1; i <= w->wim_info->num_images; i++) if (strcmp(w->wim_info->images[i - 1].name, name) == 0) return true; return false; } WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_extract_xml_data(WIMStruct *w, FILE *fp) { DEBUG("Extracting the XML data.\n"); if (fwrite(w->xml_data, 1, w->hdr.xml_res_entry.size, fp) != w->hdr.xml_res_entry.size) { ERROR("Failed to extract XML data!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE; } return 0; } /* Sets the name of an image in the WIM. */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_set_image_name(WIMStruct *w, int image, const char *name) { char *p; int i; DEBUG("Setting the name of image %d to %s\n", image, name); if (!name || !*name) { ERROR("Must specify a non-empty string for the image " "name!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (image < 1 || image > w->hdr.image_count) { ERROR("%d is not a valid image!\n", image); return WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE; } for (i = 1; i <= w->hdr.image_count; i++) { if (i == image) continue; if (strcmp(w->wim_info->images[i - 1].name, name) == 0) { ERROR("The name `%s' is already used for image %d!\n", name, i); return WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_NAME_COLLISION; } } p = STRDUP(name); if (!p) { ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } FREE(w->wim_info->images[image - 1].name); w->wim_info->images[image - 1].name = p; return 0; } /* Sets the description of an image in the WIM. */ WIMLIBAPI int wimlib_set_image_descripton(WIMStruct *w, int image, const char *description) { char *p; DEBUG("Setting the description of image %d to %s\n", image, description); if (image < 1 || image > w->hdr.image_count) { ERROR("%d is not a valid image!\n", image); return WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE; } if (description) { p = STRDUP(description); if (!p) { ERROR("Out of memory!\n"); return WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM; } } else { p = NULL; } FREE(w->wim_info->images[image - 1].description); w->wim_info->images[image - 1].description = p; return 0; }