.TH WIMLIB-IMAGEX "1" "January 2016" "wimlib 1.9.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME wimlib-imagex-dir \- Show the files contained in a WIM archive .SH SYNOPSIS \fBwimlib-imagex dir\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR \fIIMAGE\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION Lists the files and directories contained in the specified image of the Windows Imaging (WIM) file \fIWIMFILE\fR. This command is also available as simply \fBwimdir\fR if the appropriate hard link or batch file has been installed. .PP \fIIMAGE\fR specifies the image in \fIWIMFILE\fR to show the files of. It may be a 1-based index of an image in \fIWIMFILE\fR, the name of an image in \fIWIMFILE\fR, or the keyword "all" to indicate that files from all images in \fIWIMFILE\fR are to be shown. Use the \fBwimlib-imagex info\fR (1) command to show what images a WIM file contains. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--path\fR=\fIPATH\fR List the files recursively from the \fIPATH\fR directory instead of from the root directory. .TP \fB--detailed\fR List detailed information about each file. .TP \fB--one-file-only\fR Show information about one file only. Intended for use with both \fB--path\fR and \fB--detailed\fR. .TP \fB--ref\fR="\fIGLOB\fR" File glob of additional WIMs or split WIM parts to reference resources from. This option can be specified multiple times. This option is only useful when \fB--detailed\fR is also specified. .SH NOTES \fBwimlib-imagex dir\fR supports split WIMs, but it will only work on the first part of the split WIM. .PP DOS names and alternate (named) data streams are not listed unless the \fB--detailed\fR mode is used. .SH EXAMPLES List all files in the first image of 'boot.wim': .RS .PP wimlib-imagex dir boot.wim 1 .RE .PP .SH SEE ALSO .BR wimlib-imagex (1) .BR wimlib-imagex-info (1)