.TH WIMINFO "1" "August 2016" "wimlib 1.10.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME wiminfo \- Display or change information about a WIM file or image .SH SYNOPSIS \fBwiminfo\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR [\fIIMAGE\fR [\fINEW_NAME\fR [\fINEW_DESC\fR]]] [\fIOPTION\fR...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBwiminfo\fR, or equivalently \fBwimlib-imagex info\fR, displays information about \fIWIMFILE\fR or the specified \fIIMAGE\fR in it, and optionally changes properties of \fIIMAGE\fR such as its name and description, or changes the bootable image of the WIM. .PP If neither an image nor any flags other than \fB--check\fR are specified, then basic information about the WIM and the images contained in it is shown. If an image is specified by \fIIMAGE\fR (as a 1-based image index or an image name), then the information is restricted to that concerning the specified image. .PP Changes to the WIM are made if \fINEW_NAME\fR and/or \fB--boot\fR and/or \fB--image-property\fR are specified. \fINEW_NAME\fR is taken to be the new name of the image specified by \fIIMAGE\fR while \fINEW_DESC\fR is taken to be its new description. If \fINEW_DESC\fR is not specified, then the image's description is not changed. .PP \fBwiminfo\fR does not support modifying a split WIM, although you may display information about one, including any of its parts. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--boot\fR Mark the specified \fIIMAGE\fR as the "bootable" image of the WIM. The "bootable" image is the image which the Windows bootloader will use when loading Windows PE from the WIM. .TP \fB--check\fR Verify the integrity of WIM if it contains extra integrity information. In addition, if modifying the WIM, include extra integrity information in the modified WIM, even if it was not present before. .TP \fB--nocheck\fR If modifying the WIM, remove its extra integrity information, if it had any. .TP \fB--image-property\fR \fINAME\fR=\fIVALUE\fR Assign an arbitrary property to the specified \fIIMAGE\fR in the XML document of the WIM. \fINAME\fR is an element path such as "WINDOWS/VERSION/MAJOR", and \fIVALUE\fR is the string to place in the element, such as "10". See the documentation for this option to \fBwimcapture\fR(1) for more details. This option may be specified multiple times. .TP \fB--header\fR Show detailed information from the WIM header. .TP \fB--blobs\fR List all the "blobs" (unique file data) in the WIM. .TP \fB--extract-xml\fR=\fIFILE\fR Extract the WIM's raw XML document to \fIFILE\fR. .TP \fB--xml\fR .br Extract the WIM's raw XML document to standard output. .SH SEE ALSO .BR wimlib-imagex (1) .BR wimdir (1)