.TH IMAGEX "1" "May 2012" "imagex (wimlib) wimlib 0.6.3" "User Commands" .SH NAME imagex mountrw \- Mount an image from a WIM archive read-write .SH SYNOPSIS \fBimagex mountrw\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR (\fIIMAGE_NUM\fR | \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR) \ \fIDIRECTORY\fR [--check] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBimagex mountrw\fR mounts the image specified by \fIIMAGE_NUM\fR or \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR on the directory \fIDIRECTORY\fR using FUSE (Filesystem in UserSpace). It is mounted read-write. It is permissible to omit the \fIIMAGE_NUM\fR or \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR only if \fIWIMFILE\fR contains only one image. A temporary directory is created to stage files. Whenever a new file is created in the mounted filesystem, it is created in the staging directory. Also, whenever a file in the WIM file itself is modified, it is copied to the staging directory. When the WIM is unmounted with the \fBimagex unmount --commit\fR command, file resources are collected from the original WIM as well as the staging directory to create the new WIM file. When the new WIM file is completely written, the old WIM file is overwritten with it. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--check\fR When reading \fIWIMFILE\fR, verify its integrity if the integrity table is present. .SH SEE ALSO .BR imagex (1)