.TH IMAGEX "1" "May 2012" "imagex (wimlib) wimlib 0.6.3" "User Commands" .SH NAME imagex delete \- Delete an image from a WIM archive .SH SYNOPSIS \fBimagex delete\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR (\fIIMAGE_NUM\fR | \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR | all ) [--check] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBimagex delete\fR deletes the specified image from \fIWIMFILE\fR. The image to delete may be specified by \fIIMAGE_NUM\fR, which must be an integer that is an index of an image in the WIM file, starting at 1. Alternatively, it may be the name of an image in the WIM file, or the keyword "all", which specifies that all images are to be deleted. The WIM file is recreated with all unnecessary file resources removed. This is different from imagex.exe, which only will delete the metadata and XML entries for this operation. Also, unlike imagex.exe, it is legal to delete all the images from a WIM and have a WIM with 0 images, although such a file wouldn't be very useful. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--check\fR When reading \fIWIMFILE\fR, verify its integrity if the integrity table is present; additionally, when rewriting \fIWIMFILE\fR after the specified image was deleted, write an integrity table. If this option is not specified, no integrity table is included in the new WIM file, even if there was one before. .SH SEE ALSO .BR imagex (1)