.TH IMAGEX "1" "May 2012" "imagex (wimlib) wimlib 0.6.3" "User Commands" .SH NAME imagex capture \- Create a new WIM file from a directory. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBimagex capture\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR [\fIIMAGE_NAME\fR] \ [\fIDESCRIPTION\fR] [\fIOPTION\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Captures a WIM image from \fIDIRECTORY\fR and creates a new WIM archive, \fIWIMFILE\fR, that contains it. \fIDIRECTORY\fR becomes the root directory of the image. \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR and \fIDESCRIPTION\fR specify the name and description of the new image. If \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR is not given, it is taken to be the same as the base name of \fIDIRECTORY\fR. If \fIDESCRIPTION\fR is not given, the description is taken to be empty. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--boot\fR Specifies that the new image is to be made the bootable image of the WIM archive. .TP \fB--check\fR Include an integrity table in the new WIM file. .TP \fB--compress\fR[=\fITYPE\fR] Specifies the compression type for the WIM file. \fITYPE\fR may be "none", "maximum", or "fast". By default, the compression type is "none". If \fB--compress\fR is specified but \fITYPE\fR is not, the compression type is taken to be "maximum", which is LZX compression. "fast" compression is XPRESS compression. .TP \fB--config\fR \fICONFIG_FILE\fR This option is currently unsupported. .TP \fB--flags\fR \fIEDITIONID\fR Specify a string to use in the element of the XML data for the image. .TP \fB--norpfix This option is currently unsupported. .TP \fB--verify\fR This option is currently unsupported. .TP \fB--verbose\fR Print the names of files and directories as they are captured. .SH SEE ALSO .BR imagex (1)