.TH IMAGEX "1" "April 2012" "imagex (wimlib) wimlib 0.6.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME imagex append \- Append a directory to a WIM archive as a new image .SH SYNOPSIS \fBimagex append\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR \fIWIMFILE\fR [\fIIMAGE_NAME\fR] \ [\fIDESCRIPTION\fR] [\fIOPTION\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Captures a WIM image from \fIDIRECTORY\fR and appends it to \fIWIMFILE\fR, which must be a valid WIM archive. \fIDIRECTORY\fR becomes the root directory of the image. \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR and \fIDESCRIPTION\fR specify the name and description of the new image. If \fIIMAGE_NAME\fR is not given, it is taken to be the same as the base name of \fIDIRECTORY\fR. If \fIDESCRIPTION\fR is not given, the description is taken to be empty. .SH OPTIONS .TP 6 \fB--boot\fR Specifies that the new image is to be the bootable image of the WIM archive. .TP \fB--check\fR When reading \fIWIMFILE\fR, verify its integrity if the integrity table is present; additionally, when writing \fIWIMFILE\fR with the new image added, write an integrity table. If this option is not specified, no integrity table is included in the new WIM file, even if there was one before. .TP \fB--config\fR \fICONFIG_FILE\fR This option is currently unsupported. .TP \fB--flags\fR \fIEDITIONID\fR Specify a string to use in the element of the XML data for the image. .TP \fB--verify\fR This option is currently unsupported. .SH SEE ALSO .BR imagex (1)