AC_INIT([wimlib], [0.7.2], []) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/wim.c]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror subdir-objects]) AC_C_BIGENDIAN m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR]) LT_INIT AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile doc/Doxyfile wimlib.pc doc/imagex.1 doc/imagex-append.1 doc/imagex-apply.1 doc/imagex-capture.1 doc/imagex-delete.1 doc/imagex-dir.1 doc/imagex-export.1 doc/imagex-info.1 doc/imagex-join.1 doc/imagex-mount.1 doc/imagex-mountrw.1 doc/imagex-split.1 doc/imagex-unmount.1 doc/mkwinpeimg.1 rpm/wimlib.spec archlinux/PKGBUILD ]) AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_C_O AM_ICONV if test "x$am_cv_func_iconv" != "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find the iconv() function. iconv() is used to convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings of WIM filenames and XML data. Wimlib cannot be compiled without it. iconv() is available in the latest version of glibc and sometimes in other libraries.]) fi AC_ARG_WITH(pkgconfigdir, [ --with-pkgconfigdir=DIR pkgconfig file in DIR @<:@LIBDIR/pkgconfig@:>@], [pkgconfigdir=$withval], [pkgconfigdir='${libdir}/pkgconfig']) AC_SUBST(pkgconfigdir) AC_CHECK_LIB([xml2], [xmlParseFile], [have_libxml=true], [AC_MSG_ERROR(["cannot find libxml2"])]) LIBXML2_LDADD=`pkg-config libxml-2.0 --libs` LIBXML2_CFLAGS=`pkg-config libxml-2.0 --cflags` AC_SUBST([LIBXML2_LDADD], [$LIBXML2_LDADD]) AC_SUBST([LIBXML2_CFLAGS], [$LIBXML2_CFLAGS]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include debugging messages]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [include lots of debugging messages]), [ENABLE_DEBUG=$enableval], [ENABLE_DEBUG=no] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_DEBUG]) if test "x$ENABLE_DEBUG" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_DEBUG], [1], [Define to 1 if including lots of debug messages.]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include more debugging messages]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([more_debug], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-more-debug], [include even more debugging messages]), [ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG=$enableval], [ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG=no] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG]) if test "x$ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_MORE_DEBUG], [1], [Define to 1 if including even more debug messages.]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include error messages]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([error_messages], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-error-messages], [do not compile in error messsages]), [ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES=$enableval], [ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES]) if test "x$ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ERROR_MESSAGES], [1], [Define to 1 if including error messages]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to support custom memory allocation functions]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([custom_memory_allocator], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-custom-memory-allocator], [do not support the use of custom memory allocation functions]), [ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR=$enableval], [ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR]) if test "x$ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_CUSTOM_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR], [1], [Define to 1 if supporting custom memory allocation functions]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include assertions]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([assertions], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-assertions], [do not include assertions]), [ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=$enableval], [ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_ASSERTIONS]) if test "x$ENABLE_ASSERTIONS" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_ASSERTIONS], [1], [Define to 1 if including assertions.]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include compression verification]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([verify_compression], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-verify-compression], [disable checking if blocks we compress can be correctly decompressed]), [ENABLE_VERIFY_COMPRESSION=$enableval], [ENABLE_VERIFY_COMPRESSION=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_VERIFY_COMPRESSION]) if test "x$ENABLE_VERIFY_COMPRESSION" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_VERIFY_COMPRESSION], [1], [Define to 1 to verify compressed data]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include support for ntfs-3g]) AC_ARG_WITH([ntfs-3g], AS_HELP_STRING([--without-ntfs-3g], [build without NTFS-3g. This will disable the ability to use NTFS-specific information when capturing or applying WIMs to a NTFS filesystem.]), [WITH_NTFS_3G=$withval], [WITH_NTFS_3G=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$WITH_NTFS_3G]) if test "x$WITH_NTFS_3G" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_NTFS_3G], [1], [Define to 1 to enable support for NTFS-specific information]) AC_CHECK_LIB([ntfs-3g], [ntfs_set_file_security], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find libntfs-3g. Without libntfs-3g, wimlib cannot include support for capturing and applying WIMs on NTFS filesystems while preserving NTFS-specific data such as security descriptors and alternate data streams. You should either install libntfs-3g, or configure with --without-ntfs-3g to disable support for these NTFS-specific features.])]) LIBNTFS_3G_LDADD="`pkg-config --libs libntfs-3g`" LIBNTFS_3G_CFLAGS="`pkg-config --cflags libntfs-3g`" else LIBNTFS_3G_LDADD= LIBNTFS_3G_CFLAGS= fi AM_CONDITIONAL([WITH_NTFS_3G], [test "x$WITH_NTFS_3G" = "xyes"]) AC_SUBST([LIBNTFS_3G_LDADD], [$LIBNTFS_3G_LDADD]) AC_SUBST([LIBNTFS_3G_CFLAGS], [$LIBNTFS_3G_CFLAGS]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include support for mounting WIMs]) AC_ARG_WITH([fuse], AS_HELP_STRING([--without-fuse], [build without libfuse. This will disable the ability to mount WIM files.]), [WITH_FUSE=$withval], [WITH_FUSE=yes] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$WITH_FUSE]) if test "x$WITH_FUSE" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_FUSE], [1], [Define to 1 if using FUSE.]) AC_CHECK_LIB([fuse], [fuse_main_real], [have_fuse=true], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find libfuse. Without libfuse, wimlib cannot include support for mounting WIMs. You should either install libfuse, or configure with --without-fuse to disable support for mounting WIMs.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([rt], [mq_open], [have_posix_mq=true], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find librt for POSIX message queue functions. Without these functions, wimlib cannot include support for mounting WIMs. You should either update your C library to a recent version of glibc, or configure with --without-fuse to disable support for mounting WIMs.]) ]) LIBFUSE_LDADD="`pkg-config --libs fuse` -lrt" LIBFUSE_CFLAGS="`pkg-config --cflags fuse`" else LIBFUSE_LDADD= LIBFUSE_CFLAGS= fi AC_SUBST([LIBFUSE_LDADD], [$LIBFUSE_LDADD]) AC_SUBST([LIBFUSE_CFLAGS], [$LIBFUSE_CFLAGS]) ENABLE_XATTR=no AC_ARG_ENABLE([xattr], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-xattr], [Enable the xattr interface to access WIM alternate data streams (default: autodetect)])], [ENABLE_XATTR=$enableval], [AC_CHECK_FUNC([setxattr], [AC_CHECK_HEADER([attr/xattr.h], [ENABLE_XATTR=yes], [AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find the "attr/xattr.h" header. You will not be able to use the xattr interface to access WIM alternate data streams.])])], [AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find the setxattr() function. You will not be able to use the xattr interface to access WIM alternate data streams.])])]) if test "x$ENABLE_XATTR" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_XATTR], [1], [Define to 1 if using the xattr interface to WIM alternate data streams]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use SSSE3-accelerated SHA1 ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([ssse3-sha1], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ssse3-sha1], [use assembly language implementation of SHA1 from Intel, accelerated with vector instructions (SSSE3-enabled CPU required)]), [ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1=$enableval], [ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1=no] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([$ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1]) if test "x$ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1" = "xyes"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1], [1], [Define to 1 if using vectorized implementation of SHA1]) SSSE3_SHA1_OBJ=sha1-ssse3.lo AX_PROG_NASM AC_SUBST([NASM], [$nasm]) else SSSE3_SHA1_OBJ= fi AC_SUBST([SSSE3_SHA1_OBJ], [$SSSE3_SHA1_OBJ]) if test "x$ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1" = "xyes"; then WITH_LIBCRYPTO=no else AC_ARG_WITH([libcrypto], AS_HELP_STRING([--without-libcrypto], [build in the SHA1 algorithm, rather than use external libcrypto from OpenSSL (default is autodetect)]), [WITH_LIBCRYPTO=$withval], [AC_CHECK_LIB([crypto], [SHA1], [WITH_LIBCRYPTO=yes], [AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find libcrypto: using stand-alone SHA1 code instead of OpenSSL]) WITH_LIBCRYPTO=no ])]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use SHA1 function from system libcrypto]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$WITH_LIBCRYPTO]) if test "x$WITH_LIBCRYPTO" = "xyes" -a "x$ENABLE_SSSE3_SHA1" = "xno"; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_LIBCRYPTO], [1], [Define to 1 if using libcrypto SHA1]) LIBCRYPTO_LDADD=`pkg-config --libs libcrypto 2>/dev/null` if test $? -ne 0; then LIBCRYPTO_LDADD=-lcrypto; fi LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags libcrypto 2>/dev/null` else LIBCRYPTO_LDADD= LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS= fi AC_SUBST([LIBCRYPTO_LDADD], [$LIBCRYPTO_LDADD]) AC_SUBST([LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS], [$LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS]) AC_SUBST([SHA1_SOURCES], [$SHA1_SOURCES]) AC_OUTPUT