Appcrash 1.14.0

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Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by Tokener »

Dear synchronicity
using wimlib-imagex.exe(1.14.0) on Win7x64 causes an Appcrash. (everytime)
command line:
"B:\Downloads\wimlib-1.14.0-windows-x86_64-bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" info "B:\Downloads\ThunderbirdPortable.wim"
--> Windows reports appcrash:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: wimlib-imagex.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 6444dc33
Fehlermodulname: libwim-15.dll
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 6444dc33
Ausnahmecode: c000001d
Ausnahmeoffset: 000000000000567c
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 74e5
Zusatzinformation 2: 74e53ecc679cd094f4c5c21eaf6f00a2
Zusatzinformation 3: e037
Zusatzinformation 4: e0378b10a95ee72a0aa397b9e9212890
using the version command:
C:\Windows\system32>"B:\Downloads\wimlib-1.14.0-windows-x86_64-bin\wimlib-image.exe" --version
wimlib-imagex 1.14.0 (using wimlib 1.14.0)
Copyright 2012-2023 Eric Biggers
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Best regards T.
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by synchronicity »

Is it just on that one file ThunderbirdPortable.wim? Are you able to send me that file? Or if it is too large, you could try 'wimlib-imagex info --extract-xml=info.xml ThunderbirdPortable.wim' with wimlib v1.13.6 and just attach the file info.xml. There's a chance that will be enough.
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by synchronicity »

Another thing you could check is whether the problem goes away if the environmental variable WIMLIB_DISABLE_CPU_FEATURES is set to *:

Code: Select all

wimlib-imagex info ThunderbirdPortable.wim
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by synchronicity »

Actually never mind, I don't think you need to bother with either of those. This is on an older CPU, right? I think it's crashing due to the xgetbv instruction being executed when the CPU doesn't support it, due to a compiler optimization that became possible in v1.14.0. I'll fix that.
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by synchronicity »

Can you check if the attached binaries work for you? Thanks!

[Edited to just attach the binaries, instead of linking to GitHub Actions artifacts which it seems aren't publicly accessible.]
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by Tokener »

Hello synchronicity
Thank you for fast response.
The new file you offered for download is working well.
Thank you very much.
This is on an older CPU, right?
Yes you are right, the CPU is not "new".
The CPU is I3 M330 2.13GHz from Toshiba Laptop (BIOS 21.01.2011)

Best regards T.
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by YamingGrhapati »

1.14.0 also reports an error on my computer, my CPU is Intel J1800
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Re: Appcrash 1.14.0

Post by synchronicity »

I have released wimlib v1.14.1 with a fix for this bug.
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